Trains at the station

One of the nice things about living so close to the SVR is that it’s easy to go down there for a short photo session. Last weekend the Autumn Gala was held though I was down at Kidderminster for the unveiling of 50 033, I took advantage of the time and captured some images of the gala.
I’ve always struggled to get shots that I like around Kidderminster and this trip was no exception. The photo above is a fairly typical shot of a train at the station and is, to be frank, quite boring.
To make a more interesting shot, you can’t usually go wrong with a strong foreground subject, so the big “Beware of Trains” sign in the shot below makes for a much more pleasing composition with GWR heavy freight locomotive 2857 in the background.

Similarly, a picture of a locomotive at the station doing something “railway related” also looks good. I just missed Souther Railways Q Class 30541 being refilled with water, but it was still stabled by the water column which provides additional interest.

The essential problem with trains at the station is that they aren’t moving, so that knack is to add something else of interest. I think I managed it in these two shots, at least.
The full set of photos from the Autumn Gala are up on Flickr.